Modes of Production – Performing Arts in Transitionis a Research & Development platform that intercrosses the field of artistic studies with the hybrid field of arts management and creative production.
Based at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Coimbra (CEIS20-UC), it is the result of a partnership with the Artistic Studies Programme at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the Post-Graduate Diploma in Cultural Management and Sustainability and the Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente (TAGV-UC). Its initiatives and studies are carried out in permanent and updated articulation with practitioners and institutions in the arts and cultural sector. It analyses the modes of production and management models of arts and cultural projects and organizations in the face of several contemporary transformations, namely those that are raised by the demands of fair practices and social and environmental sustainability. It hosts the scientific FCT-funded GREENARTS project, which pays attention to the implications of the ecological imperative upon the arts and culture.
After an encouraging launch in the end of 2021 – which resulted in an edited volume soon to be published by transcript – we are now organizing a second International Seminar, this time a face-to-face meeting in Coimbra: one and a half days with presentations, debates and performances. Modes of Production – Performing Arts and the Ecological Transition signals the culmination of the GREENARTS project and will thus present its main results and host a series of discussions fully dedicated to the critical junction between the arts, cultural policy, and the ecological emergency.
Modes of Production – Performing Arts and the Ecological Transition will reflect and debate these issues, paying attention to formats, materials, processes, contexts and decisions. Proposals for communications will be subject to peer-review before selection and organized in two strands: a) Artistic Practices, Ecodramaturgy and Ecocriticism and b) Arts Management and Cultural Policies for Sustainability. |
Format: In-person oral presentation on one of the strands a) Artistic Practices, Ecodramaturgy and Ecocriticism and b) Arts Management and Cultural Policies for Sustainability (20 minutes max).Abstract submission Abstracts should be no more than 500 words (excluding references). Please include: • Title; • Keywords (up to 5); • References; • Indication of the selected strand (A or B); • Name/Affiliation/Contact details; • Short bio (100 words) for all authors. Submit your proposal as a Word document or PDF to modesofproduction@uc.pt by 14 April 2024. English is the only accepted language. All proposals will receive a response by 30 April 2024. For inquiries or additional information, please visit our website. Further information on registration, programme and fees will be provided shortly. |